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To all the Moms in my life: | Mother’s Day

Dear Mother Figures in my life, Naming you in this blog post would not be a testament to everything you have done for me. You all have raised me into the person I am today; your life lessons and tough love will stay with me for the rest of my life.

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To the mothers of my friends, Thank you for raising my friends, for teaching them the things that they would eventually teach me. Thank you for allowing me into your home, and treating me like one of your own. To my Praise Team Directors, My belief in my religion has grown due in part to the amazing women around The Praise Team. Thank you for the deep talks that you go out of your ways to have with us; thank you for encouraging us when we want to give up. You push us out of our comfort zone, because you want us to be our best. We appreciate it, believe me. To my Aunts and Grandmothers: Some of the strongest women I know, thank you for giving me my cousins. Thank you for putting up with our shenanigans time and time again; I know we can be a handful when we’re together. Thank you for giving me advice, about everything and anything under the sun. I remember most of it, and yes it is useful at certain points in life.

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And Saving the best for last, To the woman who gave me life; who bathed me, clothed, sheltered and fed me To my mother,

How do you say thank you to someone who deserves the world and more? We don’t see eye-to-eye all the time, and I know I act like a spoiled brat, but you know I appreciate and love you. I don’t say it often enough, but I do love you. Thank you for always treating me with kindness and patience, even when I push the boundaries; thank you for supporting everything I do, and letting me know (in your own way) when I am straying from the path. Thank you for your amazing faith in God, that I feel is enough for us both when I am doubtful. Most of all, thank you for teaching me things that only you could teach me. I mean it when I say I’d love to give you the world, but all I have right now is my love and appreciation.

These are some of the women who have raised me to be the young woman I am today. I know I still have a lot to learn, and I am looking forward to the lessons that these women have yet to teach me (though most of them come in the form of tough love). Even though I’m not sure they will all see this, this post is meant to show my appreciation for them, in lieu of Mother’s Day which just passed. But, you should celebrate the people in your life always. Not only on a designated, commercialized day. So go out on a day like today, do something nice for the mother figures in your life. I can guarantee that it will be a welcome surprise for them. Thanks for Clicking, Chey❤️

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