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New Year, College Vibe | January Favorites

So, it's been quite a while since you all have heard from me! It's been about a month now since I've written on this blog, and so much has happened in that short month. With the stress of everything that's been happening, I was wishing that I could write on here again.

This month has been hectic in the most literal sense of the word, and I know I said that I'd be better in sticking to a schedule for these blog posts, but I've been doing a lot! Give me a break, it's only February!

To start this blog post off right, I thought I'd tell you guys that I'm switching up my posting schedule. I'm gonna try to post on Saturdays instead of Thursdays now. Mostly because I need time to sit down, write, edit and format these blog posts, and Fridays are when I get a break from most of my classes.

That's right, I've finally started University! I am now attending St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, and let me tell you it has been a huge shock. It snows almost everyday here, the temperature is almost always below freezing, and I have to wear soooooooo many layers just so I don't freeze on my 5 minute walk to my classes.

So I've been here for almost a full month; my mom helped me in getting everything I need for the move-in to my dorm. So, I am going to show you guys some of my favorite things that I've gotten for my dorm.

Winter Clothes

This is on my favorites list because it is the only thing stopping me from dying every time I go outside. Layers, people. Layers will keep you from dying in this cold. I'll go through my layers with you guys.

I put on my thermals first. They're essentially warm underwear that go over your actual underwear. A long-sleeved turtleneck shirt goes over my thermal shirt, followed by an actual sweater. On my legs, along with my thermal long-johns, I pull on 2 pairs of fleece lined leggings which are then covered with my jeans, or another pair of leggings depending on the temperature. Over all of that I put a winter coat made from bird feathers. A beanie and earmuffs go on my head, and a scarf goes around my neck. On my feet are a pair of fleece lined socks and snow boots. Then come my thermal lined gloves which I stuff in the sleeves of my winter coat, and then I'm ready for the cold.

I may look ridiculous, but I am very warm.

LED Desk Lamp

So I am not living in my dorm room alone; I have a roommate. She's pretty cool and I don't think she'd get mad if I woke up before her and turned on the light, but I don't want to be a bother to her. So I've gotten a desk lamp that lights up my side of the room without disturbing her too much. There are different settings on the lamp, so it gives off different light depending on what you're using it for. It has a USB port, so I can plug my phone in to charge if there are no outlets available. The desk lamp responds to touch, so there are no buttons to push. That doesn't really have anything to do with the function of the lamp, I just think it's a cool detail.

Microwavable Meals

In my dorm room, we don't have a fridge. So keeping non-perishable things to cook is pretty tough. We do have a microwave though, so these microwavable meals come in handy when the temperature is below 0 outside, and I might freeze and die if I walk in the cold on an empty stomach. They're small, so they hold me over until I can get some actual food from the dining hall here on campus.

My Laptop

And last, but definitely not least, my laptop is my absolute favorite. A computer is a staple of college life, and because the one I had back home was pretty janky, getting a new one was a pleasant surprise. I use my laptop for everything, from schoolwork to entertainment. I'm writing this blog post on it right now. I don't know specs or anything about technology, but this laptop works for me so it's amazing to me.

And those were my January Favorites! These things have really helped me through this past month. Without these things here with me in my dorm, I'd probably be even more stressed. There wouldn't be another blog post until May if I didn't have these things. So, I'm extremely glad that I do have them!

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post, I know I enjoyed writing it. I love getting to write about everything and anything I want to and I am determined to keep this blog post updated throughout this entire year. I hope this new year treats us all well!

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