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Christmas!... Kinda. | New Year’s Resolutions

Merry Christmas! Well... sorta. It’s the day after Christmas now, so a whole lot of the Turkey has been eaten; you’ve probably already given your gifts to the people you’ve bought them for, and if you’re lucky, you’ve gotten a few gifts yourself. I’m hoping that everyone enjoyed Christmas Day, because -even though the lead up to the day was pretty shit- my Christmas Day was pretty enjoyable. My entire family went to my grandma’s house and my cousins and I played board games for most of the night. Granted, we were all annoyed with each other the day before but, Christmas is a time for coming together and that’s what we did. For a night.

It’s kind of like cloudy weather, where you can see the bits of sunshine peeking through the clouds but we’re all just not there yet. I’m waiting for the clouds to go away and for the sunshine to burst forth; fingers crossed that everything is okay before New Year’s. Speaking of New Year’s Day, a big part of ringing in the new year is making new year’s resolutions. A resolution doesn’t have to be something huge like going vegetarian or promising yourself to get in shape, it can be something small. I prefer small resolutions to huge ones because I feel as though the huge resolutions put huge expectations on your shoulders. You put so much pressure on yourself to do the big resolutions that it more feels like a chore than something that you’ve resolved to do for the year. So in this blog post, I’ll be sharing a few of my own New Year’s resolutions and kind of just quickly writing through why I chose it as a resolution. - Reading at least 3 books Reading has always been a favourite pastime of mine, but lately I’ve been slacking in it. With everything that’s been happening this year, and everything that I’m expecting to happen next year, I’m not seeing myself pick up that slack anytime soon. So I’ve set a measly goal of 3 books for the entire year. Reading is something I very much want to get back into.

- Tell my loved ones that I love them more The holidays are all about family, but I’ve realized this year that sometimes your family can forget that you love them. Even when you’re completely teed off at them and not speaking, you still love them. Or at least, that’s how it is for me. So yeah, I’ve made it a resolution to tell my family that I love them more than I quarrel and argue with them. And we don’t argue often, so to all my family reading this If we’ve been arguing recently, I’m sorry and I love you. - Be more straightforward This year, I’ve also found that my normal habit of choosing my words a little too carefully in different situations only makes me more difficult to understand. My mincing of words has lead to people misunderstanding me, or just plain not listening to me. Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely still going to choose my words carefully but not so carefully that I confuse everyone I talk to. - Say ‘Yes’ more. So, I was alone in my house for about 4 months and I was bored out of my mind. Not for a lack of things to do, but a lack of an open mind to do them. I realized that I say no to a whole lot of things. And you would expect to say no to things when you don’t have much time to do those things, but I had all the time in the world and I still said no to Adventures and other things. I missed out on cool experiences to be had and even cooler friendships to be made. I don’t want to miss out on an experience I could have had if I just said yes instead of no. - Play more Videogames and actually finish them

Another favorite pastime of mine; I have only finished about 2 of all the story-driven video games that I've played in all my lifetime. Now that I've gotten a Nintendo Switch as a Birthday/Early Christmas present, I'm thinking that I need to play and finish more games. Also, its just very unsatisfying that I haven't finished many of the other games I've played. Maybe I'll go back to those game titles this year and finally finish them.

And those are only 4 of many other small, meaningful resolutions that I have for 2019. Smaller resolutions mean little effort, which means these should fit nicely into my everyday life with little change to my daily schedule. I hope your holidays are filled with Christmas cheer and whatever joy you get on New Year’s. The next time I’ll be writing a blog Post is in 2019! Since, dear readers, we won’t be seeing each other again for quite a while I think it’s only fitting to tell you now, Happy New Year! -Chey❤️

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