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Drifting Away | Summer Days Bucketlist

Hey guys! It’s been a while hasn’t it? An entire two weeks in fact. Sorry about that. In between spending as much time as I could with my friends before they inevitably leave for school and June being the month of birthdays in my family, there hasn’t been much time for writing. I’ve also had major writers’ block for the past few days, so putting words together has been a whole lot harder than it usually is. Anyway, enough about me. The days are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter, Summer is here already! For me, that means cooling off with ice cream, paletas (whenever the paletas man passes my house, which isn’t often), sodas and different water based activities.

My summer days are often filled with chores, cooking and other not-fun mundane things, but every so often my days become not mundane. With all the planning and spontaneity that comes with having friends like mine, this summer is bound to be filled with new experiences and warm feelings. So I decided to make a bucket list of all the things I’d love to do this summer. I know that I won’t get to do some - really most - of them, but hey, a girl can dream can’t she? Chey's Summer BucketList: Do random acts of kindness Visit a WaterFall Visit a National Park Disney Movie Marathon Watch at least 2 movies in theaters Keep a Journal Make an ‘Everything but the Kitchen Sink’ sundae Water Balloon Fight Car Wash (or just washing our personal vehicle is fine) Make a YouTube Video Photo Scavenger Hunt Try a New Restaurant Have people take pictures of me everywhere I go Take a Self Defense Class Learn conversational foreign language Have a picnic Read 3 new books Make S’mores

Collect something new

Swim in the Sea

Get Henna Tattoos (cause dad won’t let me get a real one) Learn to Drive Stargaze Watch the Sunrise

Go to the Pool Tie-Dye Everything Do all the Touristy things in my City Visit the Zoo Clear out my Wardrobe Blow Giant Bubbles Bake Different Pastries (and not burn them!) Coffee Date Get into Exercising Say Yes to Everything for a Day Rearrange my side of the room Learn to do my hair Build something with my own two hands Play and Finish a Videogame Go on a RoadTrip Be Comfortable in My Own Skin

Photo Courtesy

I hope my bucketlist has given you all some ideas for your summer. Some of these things I know I won’t get around to doing, but it’s nice to have them listed here; maybe you guys and your friends could do them for me. If you do any of these, tell me all about it in the comments below! Also, let me know if you guys would rather read separate posts about my experiences when I do these, or one big update post at the end of summer. Thanks for Clicking, Chey❤️

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